Salutations Bearcat Familles,
Bienvenue dans notre bulletin d'information familial Battle Creek Central ! Nous utiliserons cet outil pour partager des nouvelles, des annonces et des événements à venir afin de soutenir notre engagement en faveur d'une communication claire et cohérente.
Cette semaine, nous avons quelques annonces clés à partager. Nous avons partagé ces annonces par le biais de l'appel général et nous vous demandons de nous aider à communiquer avec les élèves à la maison.
- ⏱ Hope you set your clocks back one hour on November 2 and enjoyed an extra hour of sleep.
- 🩸 BCC has a blood drive on Friday, November 8.
- 📗 There will be an Admissions Chat with a counselor from MSU on November 12. Please sign up in Senior Capstone.
- 🎀 Picture retakes are November 14.
- 🌏 There is a Laker Launch on November 22 for all students who are applying to Grand Valley State University.
- 🦃 There is no school from Wednesday, November 27-Sunday, December 1 for Thanksgiving break.
- 🧮 BCC now has a math lab! Students can receive support in math after school on Wednesdays in Room 2132.
- ❄️ Just a friendly reminder that we are halfway through the first semester. Please check your grades as the semester is over on December 20, so you can enjoy and relax during your winter break.
- 🏅 Winter sports will begin soon and conditioning has begun! Our winter sports are: Women's Basketball, Men's Basketball, Men's Swimming, and Wrestling.
- 🩺 Grace Health completes sports physicals for winter sports if you are interested.
- Athletic schedule for this week:
- 🏊♀️ Women's Swim has a SMAC conference meet on November 8
- 📲 Please make sure the Welcome Center has your current email address, mailing address, and phone numbers. We regularly send out information about grades, absences, and upcoming events, and we want to ensure you have accurate information every week.
- 🔮 We hope all students will consider joining an after-school club or a sport. Some of our after-school clubs are: Voices of Diversity, Magic Club, Robotics, National Honor Society, Craft Club, Science Olympiad, Red Cross Club, Gender Sexuality Alliance, NAACP Heritage Quiz Bowl Team, and Hispanic Heritage Alliance.
- ✋Attendance : Une bonne assiduité à l'école est le premier facteur déterminant pour l'obtention d'un diplôme de fin d'études secondaires. Les élèves qui manquent 10 % ou plus d'heures de cours au cours de l'année perdent beaucoup de temps en classe et peuvent rapidement perdre le chemin de l'obtention de leur diplôme. Aidez-nous à favoriser la réussite de vos enfants en veillant à ce qu'ils soient à l'heure à l'école tous les jours.