École primaire post-Franklin


20 Newark Avenue
Battle CreekMI 49014


téléphone : 269-965-9693
fax : 269-965-9696


Journée complète : de 8h50 à 15h50
Demi-journée : de 8 h 50 à 11 h 50
Mercredi, sortie anticipée : 15 h 00

Les étudiants

Classes maternelles - 2

Notre vision et notre mission

Post-Franklin’s Vision: 100% Success for every Post-Franklin student as measured by all students scoring at or above grade level, above the 60th percentile on NWEA MAP.

When we implement a Guaranteed Viable Curriculum (GVC) across all grade levels in Reading and Math in environments conducive to student success, supported by Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), Response to Intervention (RTI), Instructional Leadership Teams (ILTs), Positive School Experience Teams (PSEs), and coaching, we will achieve our goal of all students being at or above grade level in Reading and Math.

Post-Franklin’s Mission: Our mission is to produce life-long learners who are prepared for their next step. All students will learn in a welcoming and safe environment. We believe all students can be successful.

S'inscrire aujourd'hui


Voir tout le personnel

Kavonna Matthews

Principal, Post-Franklin

Wendy Glass

Secrétaire, après Franklin

Kandace Johnson

Coordinateur du soutien aux étudiants, Post-Franklin

Diane Krebs

Coordinateur de la formation continue, Post-Franklin

Nouvelles récentes

Plus d'articles
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